STCW Refresher Courses
Do I need a refresher course?
As of the 1st January 2017, all STCW Refresher courses will become mandatory in accordance with the STCW Manila amendments.
This means, if you're currently serving on board ship and hold a valid STCW BST certificate, from the beginning 2017 you will have to provide documented evidence proving that you have either completed the training course or have updated your training in the last 5 years.
However, should you discover that your course dates will be older than 5 years at the start of 2017, it is essential that you refresh your training before the end of 2016.
What does this mean for me?
All refresher courses are valid for 5 years, so it is likely that every seafarer will have to do a certain amount of STCW refresher courses before the beginning of 2017. Fortunately, most of these can easily be completed during one block booking.
What courses will need refresher training?
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting;
- Advanced Fire Fighting;
- Personal Survival Techniques;
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats);
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats.
As mentioned before, it is possible to attend all of these mandatory modules in a single week, thanks to the Updated STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package).
2010 Manila Amendments
Read more about 2010 Manila Amendments here.
Deck Officers
Whilst upgrading your CoC, certain courses will now have to be completed prior to your update/upgrade.
Quote from (MIN 494) MCA:
For the revalidation of UK CoC valid after 31 December 2016, the seafarer must have completed one of the following:
- MCA approved Navigation Radar and ARPA Simulator (NARAS)/ Navigation Aids and Equipment and Simulator Training (NAEST) (Operational Level) course completed on or after 1January 2005; or
- MCA approved NARAS/ NAEST (management level) course completed on or after 1 January 2005; or
- MCA approved ECDIS course completed on or after 1 January 2005;
- An ECDIS simulator training course in compliance with the current IMO Model Course 1.27 and accepted by the MCA for the purpose of CoC revalidation only
Whilst revalidating or upgrading your CoC, a High Voltage course may have to be undertaken, depending on your experience and rank.
Quote from (MIN 484) MCA:
EOOW CoC Reg. III/1 (Operational Level)
To avoid having the High Voltage limitation, Engineer Officers of the Watch will need to show
compliance with the 2010 Manila Amendments. In addition to the current revalidation requirements, they will have to provide documentary evidence of:
- Completion of High Voltage (HV) course; or
- Completion of the following sea service in the engine room on vessels fitted with HV systems;
- 6 months in the preceding five years; or
- 3 months sea service during the last twelve months.
Sea service evidence should be provided in the form of a company letter signed by an authorised official within the company.
Second/Chief Engineer Officer CoC Reg. III/2 and III/3 (Management Level)
To avoid having the High Voltage limitation, Senior Engineer Officers will need to show compliance with 2010 Manila Amendments. In addition to the current revalidation requirements, they will have to provide documentary evidence of completion of High Voltage (HV) course.

Do I need a refresher course?
As of the 1st January 2017, all STCW Refresher courses will become mandatory in accordance with the STCW Manila amendments.
This means, if you're currently serving on board ship and hold a valid STCW BST certificate, from the beginning 2017 you will have to provide documented evidence proving that you have either completed the training course or have updated your training in the last 5 years.
However, should you discover that your course dates will be older than 5 years at the start of 2017, it is essential that you refresh your training before the end of 2016.
What does this mean for me?
All refresher courses are valid for 5 years, so it is likely that every seafarer will have to do a certain amount of STCW refresher courses before the beginning of 2017. Fortunately, most of these can easily be completed during one block booking.
What courses will need refresher training?
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting;
- Advanced Fire Fighting;
- Personal Survival Techniques;
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats);
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats.
As mentioned before, it is possible to attend all of these mandatory modules in a single week, thanks to the Updated STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package).
2010 Manila Amendments
Read more about 2010 Manila Amendments here.
Deck Officers
Whilst upgrading your CoC, certain courses will now have to be completed prior to your update/upgrade.
Quote from (MIN 494) MCA:
For the revalidation of UK CoC valid after 31 December 2016, the seafarer must have completed one of the following:
- MCA approved Navigation Radar and ARPA Simulator (NARAS)/ Navigation Aids and Equipment and Simulator Training (NAEST) (Operational Level) course completed on or after 1January 2005; or
- MCA approved NARAS/ NAEST (management level) course completed on or after 1 January 2005; or
- MCA approved ECDIS course completed on or after 1 January 2005;
- An ECDIS simulator training course in compliance with the current IMO Model Course 1.27 and accepted by the MCA for the purpose of CoC revalidation only
Whilst revalidating or upgrading your CoC, a High Voltage course may have to be undertaken, depending on your experience and rank.
Quote from (MIN 484) MCA:
EOOW CoC Reg. III/1 (Operational Level)
To avoid having the High Voltage limitation, Engineer Officers of the Watch will need to show compliance with the 2010 Manila Amendments. In addition to the current revalidation requirements, they will have to provide documentary evidence of:
- Completion of High Voltage (HV) course; or
- Completion of the following sea service in the engine room on vessels fitted with HV systems;
- 6 months in the preceding five years; or
- 3 months sea service during the last twelve months.
Sea service evidence should be provided in the form of a company letter signed by an authorised official within the company.
Second/Chief Engineer Officer CoC Reg. III/2 and III/3 (Management Level)
To avoid having the High Voltage limitation, Senior Engineer Officers will need to show compliance with 2010 Manila Amendments. In addition to the current revalidation requirements, they will have to provide documentary evidence of completion of High Voltage (HV) course.