Safe operation of high voltage power systems

€1,200 EUR

≈ $1,296 USD
Course Type:
STCW ➜ High Voltage (Management)
Training School:
Novikontas Maritime College
Rīga, Latvia
5 days

This training course is primarily intended for marine electro and technical officers and electricians involved to operate and maintain high voltage marine equipment

In this course the participants will have knowledge and practical skill:
To manage safety aspects, safe work practice methods, deal with troubles, surveys and emergency preparedness on high voltage equipment.


The Training course covers the following topics:
• Introduction.
• High voltage theory, technologies and materials, requirements.
• High voltage plants design aspects.
• High voltage equipment specialties design, parameters, service systems for such equipment as applicable. Commutating and protection system and equipment design.
• Safe work practice regarding potential dangers of high voltage using, documentation, records, check lists, procedures, risk assessment.
• Inspection, checking and testing of high voltage equipment as applicable including proper usage of personal protective equipment, testing equipment.
• Maintenance and basic of repair. System and equipment performance monitoring, surveys and safe preparation for it.
• High voltage equipment and plant troubleshooting and dealing with them.
• Emergency running mode of high voltage installation and preparedness

Entry Requirements

Income requirements: To apply to the course, a delegate should present COC of Officer in Charge of Engineering Watch, COC of electro-technical officer.

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