STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats (PSCRB) – Refresher
€250 EUR
- Course Type:
- STCW ➜ Updated Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats)
- Training School:
- MaritimeMT
- Location:
- Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa, Malta
- Duration:
- 1 day
- Language:
- English
Seafarers holding an existing PSCRB qualification are required to refresh their certificate of proficiency every five years to maintain proficiency under the STCW 2010 Manila Amendments (STCW Section A-VI/2).
The course will comprise of theoretical modules, whereby candidates will refresh all safety and operational procedures with regards to survival crafts and rescue boats.
Prerequisites - Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than fast rescue boats) STCW Code Chapter Vl, Table A-Vl/2-1 – full course.
Trainers - The PSCRB – refresher will be delivered by experienced lecturers at MMRTC.
Certification - MMRTC will issue Transport Malta approved Certificate on the merit of full attendance and written assessment.
Course Structure -
The aims of the course are to ensure that candidate are thoroughly knowledgeable about the following:
- General – Emergency situations, Training, Drills and Operational readiness of equipment.
- Abandoning ship in an emergency and the possibility of damaged survival crafts.
- Different types of Survival crafts and rescue boats.
- Different types of launching arrangements, different methods of operation, advantages and disadvantages.
- Proper use of survival craft equipment.
- Drill schedules.
- Take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during and after launch.
- Handling survival crafts and rescue boats in rough weather.
- Use locating devices including communication and signalling apparatus and pyrotechnics.
- How to survive in the survival craft.
- Rescuing other survivors and treatment of hypothermia.
- Actions to take to maximize detectability and location of survival craft.
- Methods of helicopter rescue.
- Classroom discussion of incident reports related to Survival craft equipment with special reference to accidents during drills.
- Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (STCW A-Vl/1-4)
- Amendments to the regulations related to SOLAS convention, Life Saving Appliances code and relevant MGN’s.
- Latest developments in equipment. (Keeping abreast with technological development).
Entry Requirements
Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than fast rescue boats) STCW Code Chapter Vl, Table A-Vl/2-1 – full course.
MaritimeMT, HHF041A
Ħal Far Industrial Estate, Birżebbuġa
BBG 3000