Basic Safety Training (A-VI/1-1,2,3,4) refresher

€280 EUR

≈ $302 USD
Course Type:
STCW ➜ Updated STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package)
Training School:
Novikontas Maritime College
Rīga, Latvia
1 day

The course complies with all requirements of the STCW Convention, as amended, Sections A-VI/1-1; A-VI/1-2; A-VI/1-3; A-VI/1-4 of SCTW Code, as well as covers all subject areas recommended by IMO Model Courses 1.19 “Proficiency in Personal Survival Techiques”, 1.20 „Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting”, 1.13 „Elementary First Aid” and 1.21 „Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities”. The course is certified by Latvian Maritime Administration.

The Basic Safety Refresher training course covers the following topics:

1. Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques

  • Introduction, safety and survival
  • Emergency procedures
  • Evacuation
  • Personal life-saving appliances
  • Survival craft and rescue boats
  • Survival at sea
  • Emergency radio equipment
  • Helicopter assistance

2. Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting

  • Fire-fighting techniques

3. Elementary First Aid

  • Positioning of Casualty
  • The Unconscious Casualty

4. Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities

  • Marine environment awareness
  • Contribute to effective human relationships on board vessel
  • Fatigue control

Certificate validity - 5 years

Entry Requirements

- Basic Safety Training (A-VI/1-1,2,3,4) certificate approved by a Maritime Authority of EU/EEA country;
- Proof of at least 3 months of sea service during the last 5 years (e.g. seaman's book, letter from employer, etc.)

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