Basic Training for Seafarers

£775 GBP

Course Type:
STCW ➜ STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package)
Training School:
Fleetwood Offshore Survival Centre, Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Blackpool & The Fylde College
Broadwater, Fleetwood, Lancashire, United Kingdom
5 days

Course Overview

This five day course is designed to provide new seafarers a combined course of training covering all four sections of the STCW basic safety training and instructions requirements as outlined below.
Important Course Information:

In order to comply with STCW Maritime and Coastguard Agency regulations, all delegates attending Merchant Navy Courses must provide a Seaman’s Discharge Book, Passport or Driving Licence when attending the centre. Failure to comply with this requirement will lead to a delay in the issue of Certificates.

Validity of certificate:

5 years

Medical Declaration:

Attention is drawn to the fact that parts of the course are of a physical nature. You will be required to complete a medical declaration when you attend your course.

Modules and Assessment

Detailed below is a brief outline of the content of each section of the course which may be of assistance to you.

Personal Survival Techniques - Monday Afternoon (finish approx. 8pm)

To give all persons intending to go to sea the essential basic knowledge of survival equipment, survival principles and techniques that can be applied to maximise their chances of survival in the event of a marine casualty. Training consists of theoretical classroom work which is then enhanced by exercises in our Environmental Training Tank. Assessment is by direct observation, oral questioning and simulated scenarios.

  • Survival difficulties and factors
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Life rafts and equipment
  • Actions prior to abandonment
  • In water survival techniques
  • Helicopter rescue
  • Vital & secondary actions in the life raft
  • Righting an upturned life raft
  • Use of pyrotechnics

Elementary First Aid - Tuesday

To give all persons intending to go to sea a basic knowledge of the immediate action to be taken upon encountering an accident or other medical emergency on board ship. Assessment is by direct observation, oral questioning and simulated scenarios.

  • Casualty Positioning
  • Resuscitation techniques
  • Control of bleeding
  • Basic shock management
  • Improvised bandages
  • Use of materials in a First Aid Kit

Basic Fire Fighting – Wednesday Morning – Friday Lunchtime

To give all persons intending to go to sea a basic induction and knowledge of the ways in which fires are caused and the precautions to be taken to minimise the risk of fires on board ships. Assessment is by direct observation, oral questioning and a written examination.

  • Fire fighting and fire extinguishing using portable equipment
  • The use of breathing apparatus
  • Act as a member of a fire fighting party

Personal Safety & Social Responsibility – Friday Afternoon

To give all persons intending to go to sea a basic induction in safety procedures and accident prevention and to familiarise them with the employment conditions and working environment on board merchant vessels. Assessment is by direct observation, oral and written questioning and simulated scenarios.

  • Complying with emergency procedures
  • Prevention of marine pollution
  • Observing safer working practices
  • Understanding the chain of command and orders
  • Contributing to effective human relationships on board ship

Security Awareness (optional) – Saturday Morning

To give those on-board who do not have a designated security duty the essential educational and training meeting the Knowledge, Understanding and proficiency (KUP) requirements set out in chapter XI-2 SOLAS 1974, as amended and the International Ship and Port Facility security (ISPS) code.

NB – Security awareness training must be undertaken by all seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on ships which are required to comply with the ISPS code.

  • Contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness
  • Recognise security threats
  • Understand the need for, and methods of maintaining security awareness and vigilance

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Fleetwood Offshore Survival Centre, Fleetwood Nautical Campus, Blackpool & The Fylde College

4.8 average rating Read reviews

Fleetwood Offshore Survival Centre
The Nautical Campus
Broadwater, Fleetwood
United Kingdom

Tel: ++441253 773014
Email: send message

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