Medical First Aid
€660 EUR(incl. VAT)
≈ $713 USD- Course Type:
- STCW ➜ Medical First Aid
- Training School:
- STC B.V.
- Location:
- Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Netherlands
- Duration:
- 2 days
- Language:
- English
Medical First Aid
Target group
The medical first aid on board and medical care on board training courses are being introduced for all types of ships in the merchant, fisheries and sailing ship sectors. The captain and the persons responsible for medical care on board must be in the possession of both certificates (Medical First Aid and Medical Care). In a number of cases a medical first aid on board certificate will be sufficient, for example on ships navigating near the Dutch coast in a navigation area extending to the Dutch territorial sea and the connecting zone of the Kingdom of the Netherlands bordering the Dutch territorial sea. This is because onshore support can be available.
Prior education
STCW Basic Safety Training.
Contents of the course
After completing an e-learning first aid module (we will create an account for participants) and completing a 'pathology' assignment participants can be accepted for the two-day course that covers the following subjects (STCW table A-V/4-1):
- First aid Kit;
- toxicological hazards and injuries caused by chemicals;
- approaching and examining victims and patients in accordance with the GHS guidelines or equivalent;
- contact with the Radio Medical Service;
- neck and spinal injuries;
- thermal wounds and injuries;
- fractures, dislocations, contusions and sprains;
- medical care of rescued persons;
- pharmacology;
- sterile techniques;
- cardiac arrest, drowning and asphyxia.
2 consecutive days. Lesson times: Monday to Tuesday, 8.30 a.m. to 5.15 p.m.
In some cases, it is possible to attend the course at a nautical training college.
Participants who pass the final exam are awarded an official (ILenT/Scheepvaart approved) STCW as amended, certificate and their seaman's book is stamped. STC B.V. is recognized by the Dutch Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport) under the institute code NL007.
To be sent in advance:
Copy of Basic Safety Training and an excerpt from the municipal personal records database or an enlarged photocopy of the passport.
It is important that we receive the required documents in time, otherwise it will not be possible for us to issue a certificate.