STCW Basic Safety Training Week

£749 GBP

≈ $971 USD
Course Type:
STCW ➜ STCW Basic Safety Training Week (Package)
Training School:
Chieftain Training
Southampton, Hampshire, United Kingdom
5 days


STCW stands for “Standards for Training, Certification and Watch Keeping (for Seafarers) and was an international agreement established in 1978 among the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) countries. It has since seen two major sets of amendments; STCW 1995 and the current standard STCW 2010. STCW10 is also know as the Manila Amendments and came into Force in 2012. One of the key changes under 2010 (Manilla) is that certain STCW certificates require update training every five years.

The standard is used internationally for shipping and in some counties is required by commercial yachtsmen. Here in the UK’ STCW is a requirement for yacht crew operating vessels over 200 tonnes. Below that size many crew prefer to take the equivalent RYA courses however STCW courses still meet the requirements for small craft.

Many people wrongly refer to the 5 basic safety courses that make up STCW Basic Safety Week as the STCW courses, there is in fact a much wider range of other STCW courses some of which are offered by our partners;


  • PST – STCW Personal Survival Techniques (can be taken alone or as part of STCW Basic Safety Week)
  • PSTU Personal Survival Techniques Update
  • PSCRB – STCW Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats


  • EFA – STCW Elementary First Aid (can be taken alone or as part of STCW Basic Safety Week)
  • MFA – STCW Proficiency in Medical First Aid Aboard Ship


  • PSSR – STCW Personal Safety & Social Responsibilities (can be taken alone or as part of STCW Basic safety week)
  • PSA – STCW Proficiency in Security Awareness (can be taken alone or as part of STCW Basic Safety Week)


  • FPFF – STCW Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (can be taken alone or as part of STCW Basic Safety Week)
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Update
  • AFF – STCW Advanced Fire Fighting
  • Advanced Fire Fighting Update


  • M200/OOW500 STCW Master 200 tonnes (& Officer of the Watch 500) tonnes
  • HELM (O) Human Element Leadership & Management (Operational Level)

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Chieftain Training

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Chieftain Survival Centre, Willments Shipyard, Hazel Road
SO19 7HS
United Kingdom

Tel: (+44) 07803582286
Email: send message

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