Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats - refresher Course

€280 EUR

≈ $302 USD
Course Type:
STCW ➜ Updated Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats)
Training School:
Novikontas Maritime College
Rīga, Latvia
1 day

The course is complies all requirements of the 1978 STCW Convention Chapter VI, Section AVI/2 and Table A-VI/2-1of SCTW Codeas amended, as well as covers all subject areasrecommended by IMO Model course 1.23 “Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats”.

In this course the participants will be competent to operate life-saving appliances and take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during or after launch. They will also be able to operate a survival craft engine and manage survivors and survival craft after abandoning ship. The participants will know the correct use of all locating devices, including communication and signaling apparatus and pyrotechnics, how to apply first aid to survivors and the actions to take to preserve the lives of those in their charge.

The Training course covers the following topics:

  • Introduction, safety and principles;
  • Launching arrangements;
  • Evacuation and recovery of survival craft and rescue boats;
  • Actions to take when clear of the ship;
  • Lifeboat engine and accessories;
  • Rescue boat outboard engine;
  • Handling survival craft and rescue boats in rough weather;
  • Actions to take when aboard a survival craft;
  • Methods of helicopter rescue;
  • Radio equipment;
  • First aid;
  • Drills in launching and recovering boats;
  • Drills in launching liferafts;
  • Drills in launching and recovering rescue boats.

Entry Requirements

STCW Basic Safety training certificate
Previous Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other that Fast Rescue Boats certificate

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