ISPS STCW Proficiency as Ship Security Officer (SSO)100% Online - Approved by Transport Canada - NO NEED TO VISIT AN EXAM CENTER

$790 CAD

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≈ $552 USD
Course Type:
STCW ➜ Ship Security Officer
Training School:
Virtual Maritime Academy
online course
3 days

100% Online - Approved by Transport Canada - NO NEED TO VISIT AN EXAM CENTER

Possibly the most informative, content-rich fully-online SSO courses, certified under Transport Canada available anywhere. This course covers all the required subjects as instructed by Transport Canada and is key to ensuring that those persons performing the role of the Ship Security Officer fully understand their duties and responsibilities.

Approved Training Courses:

Virtual Maritime Academy is a Transport Canada Recognized Institution. This course is fully approved and certified under Transport Canada. Transport Canada training certificate is internationally recognized and accepted under STCW around the world including MCA, USCG, AMSA just to name a few….


To give those seeking a certificate of proficiency as a Ship Security Officer the essential education and training meet the Knowledge, Understanding, and Proficiency (KUP) requirements set out in the following STCW table, which supports Chapter XI-2 of the annex to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.


Regulation VI/5, paragraph 1 and Section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978, as amended.


Student must have either:

  • Approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months or
  • At the discretion of Transport Canada – appropriate sea service (minimum three months) and knowledge of ships operations to enable them to achieve the objectives of the training. If this is the case, then the learner must provide proof of such.

Regulations, Code, Convention Addressed:

The International Ship & Port Security (ISPS) Code, STCW Table A-VI/5.

Learning Objectives:

  • The learner understands the importance of ship security and the roles and responsibilities of organizations and individuals involved in it.
  • The learner knows how to assess security risk, threat, and vulnerability to the ship, its personnel, cargo, and operations.
  • The learner understands the capabilities and limitations of security methods, equipment, and systems.
  • The learner knows how to implement a ship security plan and related regulatory requirements.
  • The learner knows how to determine the effectiveness of current security arrangements, procedures, and equipment.
  • The learner understands how to promote security awareness and vigilance onboard ship.

Course Structure:

The SSO course is fully online and consists of:

  • Six separate modules representing the course introduction, and the final assessment & course feedback.
  • Confirmation questions after each section.
  • Downloadable Course Manual.
  • A Final Official Course Assessment.


There are multi-choice on-screen learning confirmation questions to complete at the end of each section and a final randomized test. This test pass mark is 70%. The Final Assessment is fully online and no need to attend any classroom. A Proctor will be assigned to you to monitor your during your Final Assessment. If for any reason you do not pass with a mark of at least 70% your Final Assessment there is a fee a 50$ CAD+ applicable taxes to re-attempt the Final Assessment.


The course lasts for approximately 21 hours (split into the six-chapter) depending on the student’s abilities and reading speed. However, you can enter and exit this course as often as you require.

Mode of Delivery:

This course is delivered using an interactive Learning Management System (LMS). Students follow easy on-screen instructions to progress through the course. The program contains text, still photographs, video clips, and animations. The course is delivered 100% online with absolutely no requirement to attend a test center.

Online Verification Requirements:

The student is required to complete a simple online verification form which links from the course, where they will submit a scan of an official photo ID such as a passport, CoC or similar. This is a requirement under Transport Canada.

Course Certification:

The online SSO Course is fully approved by Transport Canada and is internationally recognized and accepted. It includes the 2010 Manila Amendments and conforms to Regulation VI/5, paragraph 1 and Section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978, as amended, and incorporates the Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD) and the Proficiency in Security Awareness (PSA) as laid down in Regulation VI/6 and Section A-VI/6 of the STCW Convention and Code.


A hardcopy, embossed version of the training certificate will be posted to your address free of charge. All SSO Course chapters must be successfully completed, paperwork received, and the assessment passed to receive your Official Transport Canada Training Certificate.

Online Course Subjects:

A subject-rich course meeting with the requirements.

  • Recognition of weapons, dangerous substances, and devices.
  • Recognition of persons who may pose a threat to the security of the ship.
  • Identifying techniques used to circumvent security measures.
  • The handling of Sensitive Security-Related Information (SSRI) and Communications.
  • The Development of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of relevant bodies and organizations.
  • The roles and responsibilities of Contracting Governments, Designated Authorities, and Recognised Security Organisations.
  • The Security Roles & Responsibilities of Crew and Port Security Personnel.
  • The Shipping Company.
  • Masters Authority and Discretion for Ship Safety and Security.
  • Authority of the Duly Authorised Officer (DAO).
  • The legal implications for seafarers and security personnel.
  • The requirement for the provision of the ship identification number (SIN), Measures and Procedures for Maritime Security (MARSEC) Levels.
  • Identifying security threats including Maritime Piracy & Armed Robbery against Shipping.
  • Declarations of Security (DoS).
  • The provisions for maintaining security.
  • Criteria for setting Maritime Security (MARSEC) levels under the ISPS Code.
  • Actions to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices being brought on board.
  • Guidance and measure for Anti-Piracy and Anti-Armed Robbery.
  • Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT).
  • The purpose and control of the continuous synopsis record (CSR).
  • The purpose and use of the Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT).
  • Responses to Emergency Situations including Maritime Piracy & Armed Robbery against Shipping.
  • Physical Searches & Non-Intrusive Inspections.
  • Crowd Management & Control Requirements.
  • Crew Training, Emergency Drills & Exercises.
  • Port and Flag States.
  • Recognized security organizations and limitations in their use.
  • Automatic Identification System (AIS), Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) and
  • The On-Scene Security Survey.
  • The Ship Security Assessment (SSA).
  • The Ship Security Plan (SSP).
  • And the list can continue ...

Quoted price valid with discount code: STCWDIRECT

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Virtual Maritime Academy

CP 65054

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