Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques

£210 GBP(incl. VAT)

≈ $272 USD
Course Type:
STCW ➜ Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques
Training School:
Petans Ltd
Norwich, United Kingdom

To give all those seeking updating training certification for PST the essential education and training set out in Regulation V1/1, paragraph 1 and Section A-V/1-1, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the STCW Convention and Code 1978, as amended.

  • Delegates successfully completing the course refresh thier knowledge of:
  • Types of emergency which may occur at sea
  • Actions to be taken when called to survival craft stations, emergency and pre-abandonment preparation
  • Lifeboats
  • Marine Evacuation Systems
  • Operations of location devices including the operation of distress rockets and flares
  • Actions in the event of man-overboard
  • Life-raft structure, launching methods, operation, contents and care of the vessel
  • Boarding the life-raft and righting in the event of a capsize
  • Use of life jackets, including method of correct water entry from a height
  • Individual and group survival techniques in the water, hypothermia and frostbite

Entry Requirements

<ul><li>Seafarers with six months or more sea service prior to August 1998 and were exempt from basic safety courses.</li><li>Seafarers who have a PST certificate and who have maintained the required standard of competence by onboard training and experience for all competences listed in the self-declaration form.</li><li>Submission of the signed self-declaration form prior to courses commencement.</li><li>Before committing to undertake this training course, <a href="http://www.petans.co.uk/media/38150/declartion%20UPST.pdf" target="_blank">this</a> declaration must be fully completed and brought with you on attendance.</li></ul>

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Petans Ltd

The Training Centre
Bullock Hill
NR10 3HT
United Kingdom

Tel: (+44) 01603891255
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