1706 | Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation
$2,650 USD
- Course Type:
- STCW ➜ OOW (Deck)
- Training School:
- Maritime Institute
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
- Duration:
- 15 days
- Language:
- English
Any applicant who has successfully completed our Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation (MIDATL-512) course will satisfy, * The Terrestrial & Coastal Navigation training requirement of 46 CFR 11.309(a)(4)(viii) for an STCW endorsement as Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (ITC)); AND, 46 CFR 11.321 and 11.317 for an STCW endorsement as Master or Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on vessels of Less Than 500 GT Limited to Near Coastal Waters; AND,
The following practical assessments as documented in NVIC 12-14 (Ch-1) and 13-14: 1.2.A, 1.2.B, 1.2.C, 1.3.A, 1.3.B, 1.3.C, 1.4.A, 1.4.B, 1.4.C, 1.5.A, 1.6.A, 1.6.B, 1.6.C, 1.6.D, 1.7.A, 1.7.B, 1.7.C, 1.7.D, 1.7.E, and 1.7.F.
Applicants who have successfully completed this course need not present completed Task Control Sheets for these assessments in application for STCW certification. NOTE: Tasks 1.4.C and 1.5.A are 1.8.C and 1.8.E respectively in NVIC 13-14.
This course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for selected KUPs in Table A-11/1 and A-11/3 of STCW as amended for the function Navigation at the operational level on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (ITC) Level and the master and OICNW of vessels less than 500 GT limited to near coastal waters. This course will meet the requirements for:
Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more (Table A-II/1).
Function: Navigation at the operational level
Competence: Plan and control a passage and determine position.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Terrestrial and coastal navigation
Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of:
- landmarks
- aids to navigation, including lighthouses, beacons and buoys
- dead reckoning, taking into account winds, tides, currents and estimated speed
- Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts, and publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routing information.
Electronic systems of position fixing and navigation
- Ability to determine the ship’s position by use of electronic navigation aids
- Ability to operate the equipment and apply the information correctly
Compass-magnetic and gyro
- Knowledge of the principles of magnetic and gyro-compasses
- Ability to determine errors of the magnetic and gyro-compasses, using celestial and terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors
Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch and for masters on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage engaged on near-coastal voyages (Table A-II/3)
Function: Navigation at the operational level
Competence: Plan and conduct a coastal passage and determine position.
Knowledge, Understanding and proficiency:
Ability to determine the ship’ position by use of:
- Landmarks
- Aids to navigation, including lighthouses, beacons and buoys
- Dead reckoning, taking into account winds, tides, currents and estimated speed
- Thorough knowledge of and ability to use nautical charts, and publications, such as sailing directions, tide tables, notices to mariners, radio navigational warnings and ships’ routing information.
Navigational aids and equipment
- Ability to operate safely and determine the ship’s position by use of all navigational aids and equipment commonly fitted on board the ships concerned.
- Knowledge of the errors and corrections of magnetic compasses
- Ability to determine errors of the compasses, using terrestrial means, and to allow for such errors
- Ability to determine Gyro error By Azimuth and Amplitude of the Sun.
Recommended Study Material:
Marine Navigation, Piloting and Celestial and Electronic Navigation 3rd ed. Author: Richard R. Hobbs
Maritime Institute
5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America