2705 | Qualified Member of Engineering Department (QMED) – Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer
$5,500 USD
- Course Type:
- STCW ➜ Additional STCW courses
- Training School:
- Maritime Institute
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
- Duration:
- 30 days
- Language:
- English
Any applicant who has successfully completed the QMED – Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer (MIDATL-801) course within 1 year of application will satisfy the professional examination requirements of 46 CFR 12.501(c)(5) for a national rating endorsement as QMED-Electrician/Refrigerating Engineer.
This course objectives are in compliance with the requirements of 46 CFR 12.501(c)(5). This training satisfies the requirements of Table 1 to 46 CFR 12.505(c) for Refrigerating Engineer / Electrician examination modules. The course includes a hands-on practical and a classroom lecture portion for theory and familiarization.
The assessments for this course are in accordance with Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping tables- A-III/1, for competence in knowledge of the following:
Table A-III/1 Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room.
Function: Marine engineering at the operational level
Competence: Operate main and auxiliary machinery and associated control systems
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:
- Other auxiliaries, including various pumps, air compressor, purifier, fresh water generator, heat exchanger, refrigeration, air-conditioning and ventilation systems.
- Preparation, operation, fault detection and necessary measures to prevent damage for the other auxiliaries, including refrigeration, air-conditioning and ventilation systems
Function: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level
Competence: Operate electrical, electronic and control systems
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:
- Basic configuration and operation principles of the following electrical, electronic and control equipment:
Electronic Equipment:
- generator and distribution system
- preparing, starting, paralleling and changing over generators
- electrical motors including starting methodologies
- high-voltage installations
- sequential control circuits and associated system devices
Electronic Equipment:
- characteristics of basic electronic circuit elements
- flowchart for automatic and control systems
- functions, characteristics and features of control systems for machinery items, including main propulsion plant operation control and steam boiler automatic controls
Maritime Institute
5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America