2733 | Auxiliary Machinery

$3,000 USD

Course Type:
STCW ➜ Additional STCW courses
Training School:
Maritime Institute
Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
15 days


Any applicant who successfully completes all modules comprising our Auxiliary Machinery (MIDATL-862) course will:

Satisfy the Auxiliary Machinery training requirements of 46 CFR 11.329(a)(4)(vi) for STCW endorsements as OICEW on vessels powered by main propulsion machinery of 750 kW / 1,000 HP propulsion power or more; AND
Satisfy the specific TASKS from the OICEW NVIC 17-14 (CH-1): 1.1.A, 1.1.B, 1.1.C, 1.1.E, 1.1.F, 1.2.A, 1.3.A, 4.2.A, 4.3.I, 4.3.M, 4.3.N, 4.3.O, 4.3.P, 4.3.Q, 4.3.R, 4.3.S, 4.3.T, 4.3.U, 4.3.V, 4.3.W, 5.1.A, 5.2.A, 5.2.B, 5.2.C, 5.2.D, 5.2.E, 5.3.A, 7.5.A, 7.5.C, 8.2.B, 8.2.C, 8.2.D, 8.3.A, 9.1.A, 9.1.B, 9.1.C, 10.1.A, 10.1.B, 11.1.A, 11.2.A, 11.3.A and 11.4.A.

Applicants who have successfully completed our course need not present completed “Control Sheets” for these assessments in application for STCW certification.

The course objective is to instruct the student in the areas relevant to Auxiliary Machinery at the Operational Level, and in doing so, satisfy company, national and international regulations as stated in Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping Section A-III/1 and Table A-III/1, for competence in knowledge of the following:

Table A-III/1 Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of an engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room.

Function: Marine engineering at the operational level
1. STCW Competence: Use English in written and oral form.
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:
* Safety precautions to be observed during a watch and immediate actions to be taken in the event of fire or accident, with particular reference to oil systems.

2. STCW Competence: Operate main and auxiliary machinery and associated control systems.
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:

* Preparation, operation, fault detection, and necessary measures to prevent damage for the following machinery items and control systems:

  1. Main engine associated auxiliaries.
  2. Steam boiler and associated auxiliaries and steam systems.
  3. Auxiliary prime movers and associated systems.
  4. Other auxiliaries, including refrigeration, air-conditioning, and ventilation systems.

3. STCW Competence: Operate fuel, lubricating ballast, and other pumping systems and associated control systems.
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:

  • Operation of pumping systems: routine pumping operations

4. STCW Competence: Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment.
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:

  • Function and performance tests of the following equipment:
  1. Monitoring systems
  2. Automatic control devices
  3. Protective devices

5. STCW Competence: Appropriate use of hand tools, machine tools, and measuring instruments for fabrication and repair on board.
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:

  • Use of various types of sealants and packings
  • Application of safe working practices in the workshop environment:
  1. Safety measures to be taken to ensure a safe working environment and for using hand tools, machine tools, and measuring instruments.
  2. Use of hand tools, machine tools, and measuring instruments.
  • Appropriate basic mechanical knowledge and skills:
  1. Maintenance and repair, such as dismantling, adjustment, and reassembling of machinery and equipment.
  2. The use of appropriated specialized tools and measuring instrumentation.

6. STCW Competence: Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements.
Knowledge, understanding, and proficiency:

  • Prevention of pollution of the marine environmemt:
  1. Knowledge of the precautions to be taken to prevent pollution of the marine environment
  2. Anti-pollution procedures and all associated equipment.
  3. Importance of proactive measures to protect the marine environment.

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Maritime Institute

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