1700 | Radar Observer (Unlimited)
$1,000 USD
- Course Type:
- STCW ➜ Additional STCW courses
- Training School:
- Maritime Institute
- Location:
- Norfolk, Virginia, United States of America
- Duration:
- 5 days
- Language:
- English
Any applicant who successfully completes the Radar Observer (Unlimited)(MIDATL-399) course will satisfy the training requirements of 46 CFR 11.480(d) for an endorsement as Radar Observer (Unlimited) and of 46 CFR 11.309(a)(4)(ii); 11.317(a)(3)(vi); 11.319(a)(4)(ii); and 11.321(a)(3)(vi) for STCW Code, as amended 2010, endorsements. The following practical assessment performed during this course have been determined to be equivalent of National Assessment Guidelines Tasks, as documented in NVIC 12-14 Guidelines on Qualifications For Officer In Charge Of A Navigational Watch on Vessels of 500 GT or More: 3.1.A, 3.2.A, 3.2.B, 3.3.A, 3.4.A, 3.4.B, 3.4.C, 3.4.D, 3.4.E, 3.4.F, 3.4.G, and 3.4.H.
A trainee successfully completing this course and meeting the required performance standards will recognize when radar should be in use; will select a suitable mode and range setting for the circumstances; will be able to set the controls for optimal performance; and will be aware of the limitations of the equipment in detecting targets and in terms of accuracy.
This course will meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-II/1 as amended for the function Use of radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation at the Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage. This course will provide students with the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes related to navigation at the operational level and in doing so satisfy company, national, and international regulations for candidates for certification as follows in accordance with Table A-II/1:
Specification of minimum standard of competence for officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.
Function: Navigation at the operational level
Competence: Use of radar and ARPA to maintain safety of navigation
Note: Training and assessment in the use of ARPA is not required for those who serve exclusively on ships not fitted with ARPA. This limitation shall be reflected in the endorsement issued to the seafarer concerned.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Radar navigation
Knowledge of the fundamentals of radar and automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA)
Ability to operate and to interpret and analyze information obtained from radar, including the following:
Performance, including:
- factors affecting performance and accuracy
- setting up and maintaining displays
- detection of misrepresentation of information, false echoes, sea return, etc., racons and SARTs
Use, including:
- range and bearing; course and speed of other ships; time and distance of closest approach of crossing, meeting overtaking ships
- identification of critical echoes; detecting course and speed changes of other ships; effect of changes in own ship’s course or speed or both
- application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, as amended
- plotting techniques and relative- and true motion concepts
- parallel indexing
Maritime Institute
5301 Robin Hood Road
Suite 100
United States of America